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For Life and Leadership

An apprenticeship experience

towards Christlikeness.

For Life and Leadership

An apprenticeship experience towards Christlikeness.

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Equip students both biblically and theologically, to effectively extend the Kingdom of God in and through the local church.

Empower students to establish healthy, vibrant churches that will bring hope and restoration to communities and cities, through the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.


Encourage students to be fruitful and focused in their apprenticeship to Him.

Ready to become an apprentice of Jesus?

School of Leadership and Theology offers an innovative combination of online learning and small group environments, using excellent leadership, theology, spirituality, and ministry courses, to motivate people to become mature apprentices (life-long learners) of Jesus.


Theology & Leadership

If you are a follower of Jesus, invest one-year in a journey of discovery to help you understand God’s glorious plans and purposes for your life.

Advanced Theology & Leadership

If you are motivated to study and apply the Bible, theology, spirituality and Christian leadership in your life and ministry at an advanced level, this programme will be of great benefit to you.

Apply For Funding

We aim to make learning accessible. If financial constraints are a barrier to studying with SOLT, click the link below to check your eligibility for our scholarship program.

Our vision is to train and equip followers of Jesus for life and leadership

We help our students understand and live out the true meaning of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. When Jesus began his ministry and called some to be his disciples, his understanding was that they would become lifelong learners or apprentices of Him. This would involve journeying with him initially, and then with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, in an attitude of observation, study, obedience, and imitation.

Sponsor A Student

We want to ensure that finances are not a barrier to learning. You can be part of someone’s learning journey by sponsoring learning fees on a monthly or annual basis. Establishing sponsorships is fundamental to ensuring we can reach under resourced learners around the world.

Theology & Leadership Programme

As a follower of Jesus, invest one year in a journey of discovery through the School of Leadership & Theology. This will help you to understand God’s glorious plans and purposes for your life. As Jesus’ apprentice (disciple), your goal is to learn to live your life in the manner in which Jesus lived his life.

Areas you will focus on include:

  • The backdrop of creation and sin.
  • The growing revelation of the kingdom in Old Testament literature, the coming of the kingdom in the life and ministry of Jesus, the kingdom in the Christian life, and the mandate for kingdom ministry today as modeled on the ministry of Jesus.
  • The empowering of the Spirit for witness and radical obedience to Jesus’ Great Commission.
  • The establishment of a strong Christian identity.
  • A growing practice of spirituality as taught by Jesus throughout his life, in order to become like him and to follow his Kingdom lifestyle.

* Local students reside in Africa. International students reside outside of Africa.

Advanced Theology & Leadership Programme

If you are motivated to study and apply the bible, theology, spirituality, and Christian leadership in your life and ministry at an advanced level, this programme will be of great interest and benefit to you.

Besides covering all that is offered in our one-year programme, you will focus on:

  • The biblical story in terms of a wholistic narrative.
  • A practical approach to the relevance of Kingdom Theology that is found in the Old Testament and the life and ministry of Jesus.
  • Developing a practical working knowledge of living out your new nature in Christ in thought, word and deed under the guidance of the Apostle Paul.
  • Gaining advanced knowledge and applicatory skills of the essential beliefs of the Christian faith for life and leadership.
  • Mastering a deeper understanding of the models, skills, styles, and processes of biblical leadership.
  • Training to expound the scriptures intelligently and accurately by means of the fundamental rules of interpretation and excellent online tools and resources.

* Local students reside in Africa. International students reside outside of Africa.


Biblical Overview

This course serves as an introduction to biblical theology. We all live out of a story that provides a context for understanding the meaning of history, a story that gives shape and direction to our lives. In this course, our students come to understand that the Bible offers such a story: it is God’s story, the true story of the world. They also learn to articulate a comprehensive biblical worldview by systematically developing the most wide-ranging categories of the Bible’s storyline: creation, sin, and redemption. Emphasis is also given to the believer’s own place within the biblical story and the centrality of the mission.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks (1 Term)
  • Lectures: 12 sessions of 25-30 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; The Drama of Scripture by C. Bartholomew and M. Goheen (course text); 12 lecture PowerPoints; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Theology of The Kingdom

This course introduces the student to the theology of the kingdom of God in scripture. Taking recent (latter 20th Century onwards) Jesus Research as its starting point, it covers the growing expectation of the kingdom in Old Testament literature and then examines the coming of the kingdom in the life and ministry of Jesus, particularly in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts. From there it defines the kingdom as enacted, inaugurated eschatology. Having established that definition it then explores the kingdom in the Christian life, particularly through Pauline theology.

It also examines the mandate for kingdom ministry today as modeled on the ministry of Jesus. A final section deals with various implications of kingdom theology, in terms of the church, dispensationalism, cessationism, healing, and the place of Israel. It equips our students with a thorough knowledge of the biblical theology of the kingdom of God and how this theology is positioned in relation to other theologies, which it either redefines or opposes.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 14 sessions of 25-30 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Breakthrough: Discovering the Kingdom, 5th edition; 14 lecture Power Points; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Demonstrating The Kingdom

This course focuses on the coming of the kingdom by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through the distribution and impartation of charismatic gifts, particularly those gifts that enable mission and evangelism. Its purpose is to build faith and expectation in our students, disciples of Jesus, to receive the empowering of the Spirit for witness, leading to a radical obedience to his commission, through revelatory/prophetic gifts, gifts of healing and deliverance, all combining to effect power evangelism. A key step in the equipping process is to lay a strong foundation in Christian identity.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 31 sessions of 10-20 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Demonstrating the Kingdom by D. Morphew; Numerous Video & Audio Stories, Discussions, and Demonstrations; Bible Studies; 25 lecture PowerPoints
Jesus & Apprenticeship in the Gospels

This course focuses on “Christian spirituality” and precisely, Jesus’ understanding of it portrayed through the Gospels as “becoming his lifelong apprentice” (disciple). It is a storied, theological, and practical course for spiritual growth. Its aim is to help our students to understand and practice spirituality as Jesus did: to be captivated by him and his spirituality, to walk in his way and become like him, following him in his kingdom. Why Jesus? Because we believe he was both human and divine: he modeled what it means to be truly human in God’s image, and he was God incarnate, revealing God to us. Jesus is indeed The Way to God.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 8 sessions of 20-25 minutes each with accompanying PowerPoints
  • Spiritual Disciplines/Practices of Engagement Lectures: 8 sessions of 10 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Doing Spirituality: The Journey of Character Formation Toward Christlikenes by A. Venter; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Faith & Reason

This course serves as an introduction to the important discipline of Christian apologetics. Taking the Bible as our starting point, and Jesus as our model, students will grasp the importance of this mandate to engage skeptical people and the culture with the Gospel of Jesus. Once we have established its biblical basis, and considered the various barriers and worldviews we encounter in the process, students will consider the apologetic task through six major questions of our day that act as significant barriers to belief in Jesus. For example, “Did Jesus really rise from the dead?” or “How could a loving God allow so much suffering?” The aim is not to be exhaustive, but to lay the foundations for an apologetic of the heart and mind that in part fulfills Christ’s Great Commission. Emphasis is given to instilling confidence in the believer and to how Christians may engage in conversation with, explain their faith to, and answer the questions of not-yet believers.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Literature: McLaughlin, Rebecca, Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion (Crossway 2019)
The Historical Jesus
The Historical Jesus

This course will help Christians to see Jesus more clearly. This is of great significance because “The way Christians see Jesus determines the way they see God, salvation, the Christian life, mission and society. Therefore, any major rediscovery of Jesus and the kingdom has huge consequences for us. It becomes the unifying story of the whole of scripture, which if believed and received becomes the controlling narrative that shapes our entire worldview, giving meaning to all of reality and the whole of life.” – Derek Morphew.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks (approximately 150 hours)
  • Lectures: 12 sessions of 30 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible, Getting to Know the Real Jesus” by Alexander Venter. Kingdom Treasures. 2022. IVP Books, 12 lecture PowerPoints; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Biblical Interpretation

This course seeks to equip students to read the scriptures intelligently with the fundamental hermeneutical skills, or rules of interpretation that have become standard operating procedures within the historic, evangelical faith. A large part of the course deals with interpreting biblical texts in context, within the many layers of context that apply. It also deals with Rabbinical approaches to the Old Testament current within Second Temple Judaism and how Jesus was influenced by this, but also had a unique way of reading the Old Testament. It shows how his hermeneutic then influenced the writers of the New Testament. It also explores charismatic approaches to the text, and balances them with historic, ecumenical truth. Lastly, it will take the students a step further by empowering them to use their hermeneutical skills, together with excellent online tools/resources, to interpret a variety of scriptural genres.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 14 sessions of 25-30 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Biblical Interpretation 101: Historic Rules for Reading the Bible by D. Morphew and How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 3rd ed. by G. Fee & D. Stuart; 14 lecture PowerPoints; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Paul & Transformation of the Gospels

This is the second course which focuses on “Christian spirituality” and covers Paul the Apostle and his understanding of progressive transformation toward Christlikeness. Paul’s focus in being a “Christ-follower” is our personal union with Jesus, in what He has done for us in salvation, and in our responsive participation in that new creation reality. Therefore, the primary aim of this course is to develop in our students a practical working knowledge of what this means – how to live out one’s new nature in Christ in thought, word, and deed. The course also explores aspects of how Spirituality has developed in Christian tradition over the ages.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 8 sessions of 20-25 minutes each with accompanying Power Points
  • Spiritual Disciplines/Practices of Abstinence: 8 sessions of 10 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Doing Spirituality: The Journey of Character Formation Toward Christlikeness by A. Venter; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide
Biblical Leadership

We have become bankrupt in the spirituality of leadership, in the true spirit and character of authentic leadership. That is why things are largely the way they are in our world. This course addresses this and other issues in leadership, for the sake of our own integrity as leaders, and for the sake of our world. It is centred in Kingdom leadership and seeks to equip students with the key spiritual dynamic of the motivation and mode of leadership – based on the teachings and models of biblical leadership (character-based, selfless-serving, and effective leadership). The final section of this course will focus on the functional aspects of leadership – skill, style, and process. Significant emphasis is given to contextually applying the knowledge presented in this course.

Course Information:

  • Time: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 14 sessions of 25-30 minutes each
  • Literature: Bible; Giving Leadership by C. Mitchell; 14 lecture PowerPoints; Additional Articles; Online and Downloadable Study Guide